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 IFRS accounts production software

Automate your IFRS Accounts

Our IFRS accounts production solution is designed to maximise efficiency and accuracy by significantly reducing reporting cycles and eliminating errors, even in the most complex sets of accounts. 

Report to EU adopted IFRS standards in either; Consolidated or Single Entity format and have the option of disclosing the accounts by nature or by function. Along with multi-user access, numerous review tools and our simple wizard process, you can drastically reduce time spent on producing accounts.

Including a very extensive library of standard notes, combined with built-in editing tools enabling you to easily construct and store custom notes for
repeat use.


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Automation Speed Consolidation
Compile a set of IFRS financial statements with
as much automation as is feasibly possible

Significantly reduce the time to compile and review IFRS financial statements
Prepare group consolidations simply and quickly



Flexibility Compliance Standardisation
Amending or adapting notes and accounting policies is straightforward and easy with
various editing tools
Content is regularly reviewed to ensure it remains compliant with the latest standards

Ensure consistency of presentation across
your organisation and eliminate the risk
of incorrect disclosure


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Group Consolidation or Single Entity Reporting Notebuilder Disclose by Nature or Function
Use our consolidation function to disclose Group consolidated accounts or simply import a
pre-consolidated Trial Balance
Easily add and construct custom notes stored in
a notes library for multiple uses across a range
of accounts
Simple radio button choice drives the construction of the accounts by either nature or function

To understand more about IFRS and how it can be beneficial to your business, read our essential guide to IFRS, where we give a high-level overview of IFRS Reporting, read it here. 

Book a demo today!